Privacy Policy understands the privacy and confidentiality of its customers who have shared their personal information with us. It’s our top most priority to keep the information secure and avoid misuse of customer’s personal details.

Please find below the type of information we may collect from you and it’s usage for the services offered to you via our website and our business partners. This privacy policy is applicable to our current and existing and future customers. By visiting our website and registering with us, you agree to this privacy policy.

By using our mobile app or enrolling online at, you give OnTimePesa and its business partners permission to contact you by phone, email, or text message. We will get in touch with you to provide our services for the product you selected, to let you know about new products we have in stock, and to let you know about any promotions that are going on at or by its affiliates and other connected parties. By accepting this policy, you consent to us contacting you for the aforementioned uses, even in the event that your phone is registered with DND, DNC, or NCPR services. Until you or we terminate your account, this authorization is in effect.

Personal Information

Customers' email addresses, date of birth, residence city, cellphone number, first and last names, and other personal information are all collected by Additionally, information from publicly published profiles or third parties that are visible on your social media accounts can be extracted by The data that has been gathered is kept exclusively at OnTimePesa.

Purpose obtains personal data from you when you visit our website, register online, or request information about our offerings. You give us permission to reach out to you by phone, email, or SMS with promotional offers once you register with us or provide us with personal information.

Use of Information need your personal information for the following purposes –

  • → to reply to your queries being submitted by you
  • → process applications or orders submitted by you
  • → in order to resolve problems with any services provided to you
  • → to send you promotional offers, new products or services available on our website or third parties with whom we have a tie up
  • → manage or achieve our duties with subject to any contract with our business partners
  • → information received from you is combined with the information we get from third parties in order to make our website and services better
  • → as mentioned in this privacy policy
  • → Information Disclosure and Sharing

As stated in this policy, does not rent, sell, or share your personal information with third parties. In the event of a merger or sale of a portion of the business, we might disclose your personal information to our business partners or to another organization.

Your personal information is only collected and used in limited ways by us. Your identity will not be revealed if we disclose your personal information in a way that is not individually identifiable. With the exception of some domestic procedures necessary for managing, growing, and improving our services, does not let anyone to utilize your account information or any other personally identifiable information. Third parties that have partnered with us may reach out to you about our offerings, but only with restricted access, and they must uphold the confidentiality of the data as specified in our agreement.

In accordance with the law, we may disclose your personal information to government authorities for the purposes of identification verification, cyber incident investigations, court proceedings, the punishment of offenders, or any other situation where information disclosure is necessary for legal purposes. Legal requirements may also require us to give the information to outside parties.

Tracking via Cookies

Cookies are used by and its partners to track user preferences on the website, manage the website, analyze trends, enhance marketing, and gather demographic data for general use. By disabling these cookies, which may limit your usage of specific features or services on our website, you can regulate how cookies are used at the individual browser level.

Log Files

To examine patterns and user behavior on the website, we employ log files including the following information: internet protocol (IP) address, internet service provider (ISP), browser type, exit or referred pages, date/time stamp, and OS system. We use this information in conjunction with other data we get about you to enhance marketing, site operation, and service offerings.

Email – Opt Out

If you don’t want us to send you emails or other promotion information, write us at It may take some time to process the request but once you are unsubscribed by us, you won’t receive emails or any other information from us.

Security uses appropriate technological and technical safeguards to secure the personal data that users submit to us. Since no electronic system is 100% secure these days, we are unable to guarantee total security. Nevertheless, we still employ a number of security measures to guard against unauthorized usage, data loss, and damage. Your login ID and password must also be kept private and secure; you are not permitted to divulge these details to any parties.

Connection to Other Websites

Links to external websites can be found on We are not responsible for the privacy of information submitted to third websites. disclaims any liability for any loss of personal data obtained from other sources. All we can advise is that you visit their websites and read their privacy policies.

Third Party Advertising

When you visit, advertisements from third-party companies or ad agencies are displayed. These businesses only use the information about your visit to our website to show you advertisements for services you might find interesting on both our websites and other websites. They do not use any other personal information about you.